Things can be a little overwhelming when picking out outfits for your family for pictures. Not sure where to start? Here are a few tips to help!

#1- When and Where

First, keep in mind the season and your location. Choose warm neutral colors in the fall. Pastels and neutrals in the spring and summer. Deep rich colors are great for winter time. Neutrals can be great any season! If you are taking pictures in a sunflower field, you would want to avoid yellow. By a red barn? Probably should avoid wearing red. Be aware of your location and you should be good!

#2- Start with ONE item.

I will usually start by finding ONE outfit that I absolutely love. That outfit may be mine, my husbands, or one of the kids. Having this starting place helps guide me with the rest of the outfits.

#3- Coordinate, don't match.

You will want to find colors that compliment the outfit you already found. When everyone wears the same color, it will take away from individuality. If the outfit you found has a pattern, avoid more than one or at most 2 pieces of clothing with patterns. The others in the group can compliment well with solid colors. Too many patterns create a busy photo and can take away from the beauty.

#4- Movement and textures

If you can find a flowy dress or shirt that you feel confident it, it makes for some beautiful photo opportunities. Cardigans, flowy dresses, skirts are all good options. Textures are also a must for pictures, Lace details or different types of materials add depth and dimension!

#5- Hair

Hair is extremely important in pictures. In general, curls will add extra volume and texture to pictures. If you prefer straight hair, great! Be sure to give it a little volume by running your fingers through it or some teasing and hair spray before the session.

Here are some examples I put together! I found all of these items on Amazon and almost all of them were under $30 a piece!

I am more than willing to help with outfits for your session if you have any questions! I actually really love doing this and cannot wait to help!